Selasa, 18 September 2012

Karang Hawu Beach, West Java . Indonesia

Coral Coast Hawu is widely known for mystical tale. That's because some people consider this beach as the location for Lara Kadita throne, daughter of King Siliwangi, or more popular with Nyi Roro Kidul. Precisely, the throne is located on top of the cliff jutting into the ocean off the Indian Ocean.
You will see the reefs and cliffs jutting into the sea that still characterizes the scenery at this beach. Karanghawu called for in this coastal area there is a rock that juts into the sea and perforated in several parts, which form such a furnace (which in Sundanese called 'hawu').

Natural charm of beaches with lapping waves Karanghawu as it hit the cliff dapagt challenging for you to enjoy. In addition, Beach Karanghawu offers scenery is very exotic, the air is cool, cliffs bordering the beach, as well as a vast expanse of sand and gentle. The various activities you can do here, such as swimming and fishing are often carried out every morning and late afternoon, and the activities of surfing (surfing).

Location: Village Cikakak, District Cisolok

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